Tuesday, October 19, 2010

17th century paintings

Part of the 17th century oil painting oil painting emphasizes the sense of light, the use of warm and cold color contrast, brightness intensity contrast, the thickness of layers to create a sense of contrast by light to form a picture dramatic atmosphere. Italian painter Caravaggio painting before he broke the orderly and harmonious in the sense of light effects, he strengthened the screen brightness contrast, often with a large flat screen dark background set off the bright prospects of the characters, it was painted in the bright light. Spanish painter El. Greco will be treated as in the scene under the mottled light and shadow, he is not from the light and dark are two decent, but from the discontinuous distribution of scattered light and dark shapes, colors form a continuous well-being but also the continuous changes in pen solemn, color level, squeezing each other in the infiltration of the screen gives the effect of confusing, or even filling the mysterious and disturbing atmosphere. Dutch painter Rembrandt also the painting of light and the performance of the mental state as a means, he made a lot of portraits, the characters are in the shadow of the large dark, only the performance of expression of the face, hands, etc. important part of showing a distinct brightness. His use of color in the dark calm multilayer thin coating, so that seems dark and deep, while the Ministry of painting light and draw a knife coated with a thick pile color method, resulting in heavy volume sense.
The same period, the use of brush strokes by many artists focus on exploration. Stroke is the oil paints on canvas with paint marks on the motion, full-size oil painting of the early part of a more consistent thickness of paint layers, brush uniform intensity, reveal almost no brush strokes. 17th century artist noted the movement of the stroke when the mood created by the rhythm and emotion driven, the painter in his paintings, the potential to produce the control pen touches the emotions, brush strokes of light, heavy, slow, anxious and direction are shaped not only the image of movement was born, stroke itself with artistic expression.

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